How personalisation is driving marketing growth for Fund Managers

Patrick Mehrhoff
September 27, 2024
10 min read
Patrick Mehrhoff
Founder, Fundmarketers
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What is personalisation in marketing for Fund Managers?

Personalisation is the art of crafting bespoke communications and experiences that cater to individual investors' distinct preferences and requirements. This approach recognises Fund Managers are more likely to establish deep-rooted connections with investors by providing customised encounters that sync with their needs.

At the core of personalisation lie four vital tenets: data analysis, segmentation, targeting and technology usage. By leveraging data insights, investment firms can accurately discern and group investors based on shared characteristics and behaviours. These segments are targeted with bespoke offerings and messages that resonate with their unique personalities, tastes, and priorities.

In essence, personalisation is a potent tool for creating immersive and gratifying experiences with investors. By tailoring every aspect of their interactions with investment firms, from communications to investment recommendations, investors are more likely to develop a deep loyalty and trust towards their investment partners.

The fundamental principles underpinning personalisation include data analysis, segmentation, targeting and technology usage.

Leveraging data and analytics to understand investor needs and preferences.

Harnessing client data can unlock valuable insights into their unique interests, preferences, and behaviours. Investment firms can gather and analyse data on various factors, such as investors' past investment choices, website activity, and social media engagement.

With this information, Fund Managers custom-tailor their content and communications to align with their investors' specific needs and interests.

By leveraging data, investment firms can create bespoke experiences uniquely attuned to their clients' personalities and motivations. Personalised interactions foster deeper connections and greater engagement between investors and their partners.

In short, data is a powerful tool for unlocking a wealth of information to create more immersive and meaningful experiences for investors. By tapping into this wellspring of knowledge, fund management firms create customised communications and content that evoke strong emotions and sensory responses, driving greater engagement and loyalty from their clients.

Segmenting your audience: Identify and create investor and client profiles.

To truly connect with investors, it's crucial to segment your audience based on shared characteristics and behaviours. This allows you to tailor your content and communications to each group's unique needs and preferences.

By crafting content specifically designed for specific investor profiles, you can ensure that your messaging resonates profoundly and emotionally with your audience. For instance, if your clients are mainly interested in equities, your content should focus on that market area. Similarly, if your clients prioritise socially responsible investing, your content should highlight your firm's efforts in this critical area.

Segmentation lets you personalise your messaging and create a more immersive and engaging experience for your investors. By ensuring that your content is relevant to their interests and needs, you can build deeper connections and foster greater loyalty and trust over time.

Yet, segmentation is a vital tool for creating content that evokes investors' strong emotions and sensory responses. By honing in on shared characteristics and behaviours, you can craft communications ideally suited to each group's unique needs and interests, helping establish long-lasting and meaningful relationships with your clients.

Personalise your messaging: How customised messaging builds emotional connections with investors.

By leveraging personalised messaging, investment firms can demonstrate their understanding of their client's unique needs and interests, thereby forging more meaningful and emotional connections.

Using investors' names in communications and referencing their previous interactions with your firm is a simple but powerful way to show that you value and appreciate them as individuals.

By tailoring your messaging to their specific needs and preferences, you can create a more immersive and engaging experience that resonates deeply with your clients.

Personalisation humanises your brand, making it more relatable and personable to your clients. Demonstrating that you understand and care about their needs can build a stronger emotional connection with your investors, increasing loyalty and retention over time.

Personalisation is a vital tool for creating a rich and immersive experience that evokes strong emotions and sensory responses in investors. By tailoring your messaging to their unique needs and preferences, you can make a more meaningful and emotional connection with your clients, leading to stronger relationships and, ultimately, tremendous success for your firm.

Automate and scale: Technology in personalisation for investment firms.

Investment firms must embrace the power of technology to personalise their content and communications at scale. Fund Managers automate and streamline their personalisation efforts by leveraging marketing automation tools and dynamic content creation, freeing up valuable time and resources.

Technology enables fund management firms to efficiently deliver personalised emails and web content to their clients without requiring time-consuming manual efforts. This allows firms to scale their personalisation efforts, providing each client with a unique, tailored experience that resonates with their needs and preferences.

Moreover, technology can streamline content personalisation efforts, enabling investment firms to allocate more time and resources to other critical business areas. By automating repetitive tasks, firms can focus on developing more innovative and impactful strategies that drive growth and success.

Technology is crucial for investment firms looking to personalise their content and communications at scale. By automating and streamlining personalisation efforts, firms can deliver a more engaging and immersive experience for their clients while freeing up time and resources to focus on other strategic priorities.

To summarise the critical characteristics of personalisation, the following table outlines its fundamental principles and benefits:

  • Data Analysis
  • Segmentation
  • Targeting
  • Message Tailoring
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Improved Investor Engagement
  • Higher Conversion Rates
  • Competitive Advantage
  • Business Success

Personalisation is the key to success for Fund Managers looking to drive fundraising and AUM growth. By creating personalised experiences for investors, these firms improve engagement and retention, drive higher conversion rates, and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Effective personalisation Strategies for Fund Managers.

Personalisation is a potent weapon for fund businesses seeking to stand out and build enduring client relationships. You can boost engagement, amplify brand perception, elevate conversion rates, and generate optimal business outcomes by curating your marketing content and messages to align with your investors' unique needs and interests.

In today's cut-throat and dynamic investment world, personalised content is no longer an option but a necessity for firms seeking to thrive. Personalisation enables firms to establish a meaningful emotional connection with their clients, creating a rich, immersive experience that leaves a lasting impression.

Investment firms that embrace content personalisation reap immense benefits, including increased customer satisfaction, reduced churn, and high business growth. By leveraging personalisation, firms can position themselves as empathetic and attentive partners, demonstrating a deep understanding of their client's preferences and desires.

Personalisation tools for Asset Managers: Elevating your marketing strategy.

By leveraging personalisation tools, you can transform your marketing strategy and elevate your client engagement to unprecedented heights.

These tools include marketing automation software, CRM software, content personalisation tools, social listening tools, and data analytics tools. With these powerful tools, asset managers can craft more compelling, tailored, and captivating marketing campaigns that connect with their clients on a deeper level.

From automating mundane tasks to providing real-time insights into your investors' needs and preferences, personalisation tools offer a wealth of benefits for asset managers seeking to differentiate themselves in a crowded market.

By leveraging these tools, you can create a seamless and immersive client experience, driving engagement, loyalty, and long-term growth.

Building the necessary infrastructure and capabilities for personalisation.

Marketing Automation Software: Automate Your Marketing Efforts.

Asset managers can create customised campaigns, including email marketing, social media marketing, and lead nurturing, that resonate with clients' individual needs and preferences. With marketing automation, you can streamline your marketing processes, save time, and enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns, all while delivering a personalised experience to your clients.

CRM Software: Strengthen Client Relationships.

Make client management a breeze with CRM software. Asset managers can track client interactions, gather data on their preferences, and use that data to personalise marketing efforts. This tool builds lasting client relationships, enhances retention, and ensures service satisfaction. A CRM system gives you all the insights you need to stay one step ahead of your competition.

Content Personalisation Tools: Create Engaging Content.

Content personalisation tools enable asset managers to craft bespoke content for their clients, including captivating blog posts, informative newsletters, and insightful whitepapers. By tailoring their message to clients' unique interests and preferences, asset managers can strengthen their relationships and foster a more profound sense of engagement.
With content personalisation tools, asset managers can optimise their content marketing campaigns, augment website traffic, and generate more leads.

Social Listening Tools: Monitor Social Media Channels.

Social listening tools are the asset manager's secret weapon for monitoring social media channels and spotting brand mentions or relevant keywords. This allows asset managers to quickly identify new leads, track sentiment, and respond to customer inquiries with lightning-fast speed. Social listening tools also serve as valuable tools for improving social media marketing efforts, strengthening client relationships, and boosting overall client satisfaction. With the power of social listening tools, asset managers can stay ahead of the competition, anticipate client needs, and elevate their brand's social media presence to new heights.

Data analytics tools: Get behaviour insights of your investors and clients.

Data analytics tools are a game-changer for asset managers seeking insights into their clients' behaviours and preferences. These tools gather and analyse data, enabling asset managers to create bespoke marketing campaigns that resonate with their clients personally, improving overall client engagement. With data analytics tools, asset managers can make informed, data-driven decisions that optimise their marketing efforts and drive campaign effectiveness to new heights. These powerful tools enhance asset manager's ability to understand their clients and elevate their brand's reputation as a savvy and customer-centric industry leader.

Ensuring the quality and accuracy of data used for personalisation.

Personalisation is the holy grail of marketing, but it's only as good as the data behind it. Asset managers must meticulously ensure that the data they collect and use is accurate, relevant, and current. Achieving this requires a comprehensive data management system, strict data governance processes, and top-notch data analytics tools to clean, validate, and analyse data. Data quality is crucial in delivering impactful personalisation, as it allows asset managers to make informed, data-driven decisions that resonate with their clients personally. We will explore the critical role of data quality in personalisation and provide actionable advice on how asset managers can ensure the data they use is fit for personalisation, ultimately leading to a more profound and lasting connection with their clients.

Overcoming personalisation challenges.

Personalisation is a powerful tool for asset managers seeking to engage and retain investors, but it's not without its challenges. In this category, we'll examine three critical challenges that asset managers face when implementing personalisation and provide invaluable insights on overcoming them. With our expert guidance, asset managers can easily navigate these challenges and unlock the full potential of personalisation to strengthen client relationships, enhance engagement, and drive business success.

Balancing personalisation with compliance and regulatory requirements.

Personalisation is a powerful tool for asset managers, but it must be wielded cautiously.

Regulatory bodies have issued guidelines and regulations to safeguard investor protection and prevent potential harm, creating a balancing act for asset managers seeking to personalise their offerings while staying within compliance and regulatory requirements.

This presents a unique set of challenges, but asset managers can achieve the delicate balance between personalisation and compliance with the right approach.

United States

In the United States, for example, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has issued guidelines on using client data in personalisation efforts, which require firms to obtain client consent for using their data and to ensure that the data is accurate and up-to-date.

European Union

Similarly, in the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes strict rules on collecting and using personal data. Asset managers must comply with these regulations when implementing personalisation strategies. Additionally, the EU's Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) requires firms to maintain records of all client communications, including personalised communications.

Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has issued guidelines on using client data in personalisation efforts. Firms must ensure that the data used for personalisation is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to the client's needs and must obtain client consent for using their data.

Charles Schwab's innovative use of AI and Analytics: Real-World applications of personalisation in Asset Management and Wealth Management.

The power of data-driven technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and analytics is unlocking a new era of hyper-personalisation in the asset management and hedge fund industry.

With detailed risk profiles, personalised portfolios, and tailored product recommendations based on individual preferences, investors can experience a level of customisation never seen before.

Take Charles Schwab's Project Bear, which uses AI to identify investors who may react poorly to market volatility and offers them personalised advice. By leveraging APIs, firms can offer HNW clients an aggregated view of their finances in a single platform, while multi-channel engagement ensures tailored communication that caters to client convenience.

These innovations highlight the potential of personalisation in transforming the client journey and driving growth in the industry.


Personalisation has become a critical strategy for asset managers and funds looking to differentiate themselves in a crowded market, build stronger relationships with investors, and drive business success.

By leveraging data analytics, segmentation, targeting, and message tailoring, firms can create personalised experiences that foster stronger client relationships and enhance their competitive edge.

Personalisation tools such as marketing automation software, CRM software, content personalisation tools, social listening tools, and data analytics tools can further enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of personalisation efforts.

Ultimately, Fund Managers that embrace personalisation and employ these tools can expect to enjoy the higher engagement, conversion rates, AUM growth, and fundraising success.

Personalisation is no longer a luxury but a necessity in today's market. Those who utilise personalisation strategies and tools effectively will thrive in the future.